Thursday, September 30, 2010

Goodbye, new friends

My friend is moving. 12 hours away. I am sad.

We met just a bit more than a year ago, but I feel like it's been way longer than that. This has been coupled with yet another good friend potentially moving and I am doubly sad. The former friend's husband had been looking for more satisfying work for a while now and has finally found it, which I am happy for. The latter friend's husband lost his job and is now searching all over the country. Former friend leaves around Thanksgiving; latter friend has until the end of the year to find work before they're totally broke.

Former friend has a son just 6 days younger than Lily, and I'm loving watching their interactions. We played at the park yesterday...


They ran up and down a little hill together for way longer than I would peg an 18 month old's attention span :)

Latter friend has the potential to move east of here while former friend is going west. At least latter friend could pick me up on a road trip out to former friend? *sigh*

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