Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello there

Hello there, blog. I haven't forgotten about you. I think about you often. And then I realize I don't have much to say or it's likely that I've said it elsewhere on the internet and don't feel like repeating myself.

Life is well. Spring is on the horizon. My suspected cold urticaria is proving itself when I spent a half hour at the park in 50 degree weather and broke out in hives on my cheeks again versus the time spent out today when it's in the 60s and I am fine. It has me dreaming of moving to a warmer climate even though I know that will likely never happen.

Spending time at friends' (single family) homes has me dreaming of houses too. And while that is much more likely to happen, it's not going to any time soon. I'm feeling closed in here in this little townhouse, particularly after celebrating Lily's second birthday and having the number of LARGE toys increase. Speaking of, I should try to put away her tent while she's napping and see if she freaks out over its absence.

Oh, she loved her birthday though.


Off to put the tent away...

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